165° F Reheat all foods
165° F Cook for 15 seconds
Poultry, stuffed meats, stuffed fish, and stuffed pasta
Stuffing containing meat, poultry, or fish
Ground poultry or turkey
Any animal food cooked in a microwave
155° F Cook for 15 seconds
Ground meats (beef and pork)
Mechanically tenderized and Iinjected meats, comminuted fish and meats
Game meats
Raw, pooled shell eggs
145° F Cook for 15 seconds
Fish, seafood, pork, beef (cubes, slices, etc.), veal, lamb, mutton
Raw shell eggs for a single order
145° F Cook for 3 minutes
Whole roast beef, whole pork roasts and corned beef roasts
135° F Hold
All hot foods
135°F to 70°F Cool all foods
within 2 hours
70°F to 41°F Cool all foods
- within 4 hours